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360 Degrees in a Year
Coming To Light

The 360 Trial

The debate goes on about ancient calendars and the 360-day year being a basis for the geometric division of 360 degrees in a circle. There are those who claim the earth is slowing down, but the evidence does suggest the earth has increased its rotational speed from times past and the moon has decreased its orbital period. What has been lacking is a plausible explanation for an increase in rotational speed of the planet and a slowing of the moon. The argument is fairly presented at this website:

It is evident that some ancient cultures attributed the increase in the days of the year to a sky god. It is also evident that all ancient calendars, at one time, throughout the world used 360 days in a year and added days to the year thereafter. This was probably done to coincide with counts of the actual days between solstices but keeping the tradition of the 360 days along with the geometry that was developed therefrom. It is also reasonable to assume the ancients were able to count the days accurately between solstices, and in fact the rotation and orbital periods of the Earth and Moon are not uniformly constant from the beginnings of recorded memory.

The Book of 1 Enoch and the Qumran Calendar Scroll from the manuscripts of The Dead Sea Scrolls tell us there were 364 days in the year at the time of their composition. There were Mayan and Mesoamerican calendars that also suggest 364 days in the year.  If we make the assumption that at a time prior to the developement of the 364 day calendar, there were 360 days in a year, then those four days were added by a cosmic event attributed to a sky god. Another later event increased the rotation to where we are today, of 365 1/4 days. There should be some other empirical evidence to support the event, as well.

We have already seen the great grooved craters in the Caribbean and South America. We have calculated the mass of water required to raise sea level 110 meters. Would a tangential cosmic impact that added 110 meters of water to mean ocean sea level contain enough kinetic energy to do the work of accelerating the rotational period of the earth by 4 days or 4 degrees? Calculations prove the answer to be a resounding yes. Remember, the total mass of 110 meters sea level rise of water is 4 times 10^19 kg.

We can calculate the kinetic energy of just 5.5 times 10^16 kg of mass impacting near the equator at 13.5 km/sec to be 5 times 10^24 Joules. This would be equivalent to a rocky nucleus, the density of silicon, in a sphere roughly 20 km in diameter. The kinetic energy of a rotating sphere the mass of Earth that is equivalent to 364 days per year of rotation would be 4 times 10^31 Joules. The kinetic energy of same sphere rotating at 360 days per year would be 3.94 times 10^31 Joules. The difference is 8.8 times 10^29 Joules, which represents the amount of Joules added. This exceeds the amount of energy available, until the application of torque is considered. By applying the leverage of Earth's radius at 6.4 km the potential torque is 1.6 times 10^31 in Joules equivalent in Newton meters squared. Proportionally, then, the mass required to increase the rotation of the sphere the mass of Earth by 4 degrees (days), would be 2.8 times 10^23, which is far less than the 5 times 10^24 available. The remaining Joules would be transformed into heat, and crater creation. Remember, this represents less than one tenth of one percent of the total mass represented by 110 meters of sea level rise.

Is there historical evidence  that supports a violent 4-degree increase in the rotational period of the solid planet? As a matter of fact there is.

This web page relates several legendary stories from the Indigenous Native American tribes of the northwest coast. Excerpts from this site follow.

"Billy also related an interesting tradition. He says that "ankarty" but not "Irias ankarty" that is at not a very remote period the water flowed from Neah Bay through the Waatch prairie, and Cape Flattery was an Island. That the water receded and left Neah Bay dry for four days and became very warm. It then rose again without any swell or waves and submerged the whole of the cape and in fact the whole country except the mountains back of Clyoquot. As the water rose those who had canoes put their effects into them and floated off with the current which set strong to the north. Some drifted one way and some another and when the waters again resumed their accustomed level a portion of the tribe found themselves beyond Noothu where their descendants now reside and are known by the same name as the Makah or Quinaitchechat."

Just as you would expect from a sudden increase in the rotational velocity of the solid earth, of 4 days, the momentum of the oceans would be left behind and recede about four degrees, or four days. And then it would surge. Other tribal lore tells us the culprit was Thunderbird, a sky god.

"Enraged, that bird caused the waters of the great deep to rise. For four days the sea continued to rise. It rose till it covered the very tops of the mountains.

Kwattee and Thunderbird engaged in terrible conflict, and again the waters suddenly receded, leaving Neah Bay, the Strait of Fuca, and Puget Sound perfectly dry. For four days the water ebbed out, and numerous sea monsters and whales were left on dry land.

Then without any waves or breakers the waters again rose till they had submerged the whole country. Then Kwattee killed Chief Thunderbird. The waters were then four days receding. And since then there has been no great floods on the earth. Also each time that the waters rose, the people took to their canoes and floated off as the winds and currents wafted them, as there was neither sun nor land to guide them. Many canoes also came down in trees and were destroyed, and numerous lives were lost. And the survivors were scattered over the whole earth. One segregation of the Quileutes found themselves at Hoh, another at Chemakum (near the present Port Townsend), and a third succeeded in returning to their own home here on the Pacific."

Here we learn the ocean covered the mountains, and several times we are told the water receded four days and then covered all the land. There was no sun and it was too dark to see. Finally we are told of the rain and the cold.

"The Flood

There was a man who told his people to make some canoes and to make them large and strong so they could endure storms. There was a flood coming. The people said the mountains were high and they could just go up the mountains when the flood came. He warned them again. Soon it began to rain and rained for many days. And the rivers became salt. The people said they would go up the mountains. When the flood came they took their children by the hand and packed the small ones on their backs. It became so cold that the children died. They had no way of getting to the mountains for the valleys were full of water and the rivers overflowed their banks.

The people that walked all died. Those that had canoes and water and food lived. Some who were in a canoe tied themselves to a treetop when their canoe hit the tree and split. Many died. Some tied themselves to mountains and the highest ones were saved. The flood uprooted all the trees. That is why there are no really large ones left today. All the trees of today grew after the flood."

All the trees today grew after the flood, is an important clue to dating the event. The oldest trees on the continent today are about 5000 years old. There are none older in the world. The fact is, it would be unreasonable to assume any trees survived the winds and flooding that would have occured during the cataclysm of a major comet impact.